DBCC receives Executive Director's Recognition Award from Delaware Academy of Medicine

DBCC has been awarded the Delaware Academy of Medicine’s Executive Director’s Recognition.  This award honors a nonprofit in our community that embodies the principles of education and the promotion of public health through collaborative programming.  The award was presented to DBCC staff and board members on Friday, March 18 at the Delaware Academy of Medicine’s 81st Annual Meeting at the Hotel du Pont in Wilmington.  Last year the Executive Director’s Recognition was awarded to the Heart Truth Delaware Program.

DBCC Executive Director Vicky Cooke, DBCC Trustee Emeritae Maureen Lauterbach, DBCC Board Member Dennis R. Witmer, MD, FACS, and DBCC Director of Information Services Vicky Tosh-Morelli received the award that was presented by Delaware Academy of Medicine Executive Director Tim Gibbs.
DBCC staff and board members with the award

DBCC has developed and implemented unique programs not available from other cancer-related agencies, including targeted programs for young women with breast cancer, African American women, Latinas, women who partner with women, and women with disabilities.  DBCC strives to improve access for all women and men to high-quality breast cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment as well as increase awareness of breast cancer and the influence of breast cancer survivors in research, clinical trials, and national policies.

DBCC serves all who live and work in Delaware with approximately 15,000 annual educational contacts, 250 volunteers and over 850 referrals for free or low-cost cancer screenings through our various programs and activities.  DBCC offers the Peer Mentor Support program which provides those newly diagnosed with one-on-one support for a trained breast cancer survivor.  DBCC also provides monthly “Beginning Your Breast Cancer Journey” classes at the four local cancer centers.  DBCC partners with Delaware’s Division of Public Health and Beebe Medical Center to operate the Women’s Mobile Health Screening Van which provides screening mammograms to underserved communities.

For more information about DBCC’s programs and services, please visit DBCC's website or call 866-312-DBCC (3222).

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